Monday, August 3, 2009


I would love to hear how some of you handle your
pre-schoolers while you are trying to get
school done with your older kiddos.

Lucy has thoroughly enjoyed the big fat
workbook that I bought for her at Sam's...
though she doesn't exactly do it correctly...
but, who cares.

But that only carries her over for a short time.
She loves watching TV (of course)...which
I always feel guilty letting her do but golly,
it's such a life saver sometimes!!
The good thing is she really only likes videos
that have singing and dancing in,
so she can fully participate.
I count that as exercise...and exercise is good, right?!

Having a little one around is still so new to me,
especially when it means trying to
keep her occupied with something meaningful
while teaching my boys.

Any suggestions??


Hezra said...

OH Lori! I can seriously write a book about THIS. I have been doing preschool (aka entertaining toddlers) for 11 years STRAIGHT!. STILL doing it. Though my 4 yo is getting big enough to do some other stuff too. I used the activity bag method. We have an activity shelf. This is a low, sturdy, easy to reach shelf that is close by the school zone. At first I used big easy glide zipping baggies(gallon sz) but we now use cheap baskets from $ General. Anyway, you basically get things from or other places. Thrift stores are a great place to get these things. Or Ebay. Look at Montessori school ideas for preschool, then find ways to get the stuff cheaper. Here are a list of ideas:
Wooden Blocks
Lacing cards
a scrap bag of textured fabrics
Magnet letters and a cookie sheet
Coloring book/crayons
Woodkins dolls
pattern blocks and
book of pattern pages(we put them in sheet protectors)
Geo board/rubber bands
plastic cutting food
playdough/cookie cutters.
Teddy bear matching game(sonlight!)
Mighty Minds patternblocks(Sonlight)
counting bears
play money
hot wheels cars
and plastic army men are my sons favs.
dress a bear puzzle is Moriahs fav
and a small basket of a few select books!(sonlight or get the book "Honey for a child's heart" and find them at the library.
So, you just get a few of these out at a time. After you look around you may realize you HAVE a lot of things that will work for an activity bag. You rotate them every now and then and it keeps things exciting. When it is "school time, I have a soft bath mat for each preschooler to sit on and do their activity. They each get one bag. They have to put all of that activity away before they can get the next.
Also, a friend of ,mine and I would exchange some occasionally. This idea has been a HUGE part of our lives for so many years. It really works with all learning styles because you just find things that appeal to YOUR kids.These were simply things WE used. Get creative, and have fun with it. I love the preschool age. They learn so much while playing. OH. . . another thing, My littles love to play in the sinks in the bathroom. It actually doesn't get as messy as it sounds. I give them droppers, measuring cups. . .etc and they are required to wipe up after. If this is too messy for you, or you want to watch them, put them on the kitchen floor with a plastic dishpan(about 2 dollars at $ general or W*lmart.) Have fun!!

Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Oh Hezra! GREAT ideas!! I am going to get started on collecting things like that right away. My creative juices are already flowing.

Thank you!!!

Susan said...

Wow, those are good ideas. I didn't have young ones around till last year because we didn't start hs till my youngest at the time was in first grade. Last year when we added Tyler I tried to give him things to keep him busy that were also developmental for him. He like drawing on the dry erase board. He would be busy for an hour with scissors and an old magazine. These really helped his fine motor skills. I also got some DVDs, letter factory and baby abcs. These would "entertain" for a bit. This year we are starting kindergarten, but will still use your ideas for the afternoon Hezra.

Holly said...

Yea! I really need this one!

Melissa said...

What a good idea. I am going to try this. This is my first year homeschooling. I need all the help I can get.

Sharon and Michael said...

I do tings quite the same as Hezra but haven't acquired quite as much stuff yet.

And when I have to do the DVD, I use Leap Frog or something similar since that is quite close to school related.

Karen said...

So does anyone have ideas on what to use while I'm homeschooling a 4 year old (preschool)and need to keep a 1 year old busy??? He doesn't "play" in the pack-n-play so that isn't an option. :) He's usually pretty good at playing by himself, but lately he's started wanting to be doing what his older sister is doing. Maybe he'll listen to the stories from Sonlight that I'll be doing with our daughter. Let's pray it is so.

Jean said...

This is great!! Thanks for the ideas hezra and everyone else!! We have a 3 year old that needs to be entertained- I will definitely be using some of these ideas!!

I am going to love this blog!!
Blessings to all of you other homeschoolers!