I haven't posted here nearly as often as I intended to
when I started this little blog!
I do have a little something brewing in my head
(thought nothing riveting)
but I wondered if any of you would like to contribute
a post?
Maybe something that's been on your heart or mind
about a homeschool related subject.
Or something you'd like to share that has really
helped you make your school house a great success this year?
Let me know!
Email your post to me at
If you have any homeschool items you'd like to
sell, let me know about that too!
If there's enough of you interested,
I will post your items w/ your contact info
for those interested in buying your item(s).
when I started this little blog!
I do have a little something brewing in my head
(thought nothing riveting)
but I wondered if any of you would like to contribute
a post?
Maybe something that's been on your heart or mind
about a homeschool related subject.
Or something you'd like to share that has really
helped you make your school house a great success this year?
Let me know!
Email your post to me at
If you have any homeschool items you'd like to
sell, let me know about that too!
If there's enough of you interested,
I will post your items w/ your contact info
for those interested in buying your item(s).