Wow, please forgive me for how very long it's been since I posted anything here! As I have been pondering what our next topic should be, it occurred to me that I would let you all choose.
So now that we are mid-way through the year, what are some areas that you all are needing encouragement in? Feeling weighed down by a curriculum that you spent a lot of money on but desperately want to change? Are you having trouble sticking to a schedule? Are you way behind where you should be?
Post your concerns or ideas in the comment section and please check back to see what words of wisdom some of us have for each other.
I cannot, for anything, stick to a schedule, and I am waaaay behind with my first grader's first grade. And don't even get me started on my almost 15 year old's kindergarten work.
How 'bout a discussion on how to add an uneducated teen to the family and still be able to educate them all?
Oh wait, I would probably be the only example of that! Ugh!!
Oh Joy, I feel for you. Even though Macy is really smart in math...we are at a very low level in English. We read a lot and do easy workbooks. But other than that, I feel like just being in our family, hearing conversation, is the best education right now. Her need to grasp English is my priority over everything else this school year.
As far as your first-grader goes...the good thing about little ones is that they absorb SO MUCH through teachable moments through out the day. I wouldn't get hung up on sitting at a desk "teaching" her...just take advantage of those moments when you can help her sound out words that she sees here and there...have her count and add things in the kitchen (give her a bag of beans and tell her to divide them into groups of three's...or whatever your imagination can give you to be creative in teaching).
Like my friend Martha always says, "A bad day of homeschooling is better than a good day at public schools!"
You are doing a great job, I just know it. :) Keep up the good work and don't be afraid to think outside the box! That's what is so great about homeschooling!
Oh, wow. I have to say, we went on vacation in October, and we have been just a smidgen off-kilter ever since. Then we took our two weeks off for Christmas and started back on Monday, and this week feels like it's been a disaster. My 4th-grader was battling coughing and congestion and slept until noon that day, which of course threw things off, and I've been playing catch-up (including, I'm sorry to admit, a few lessons we were supposed to do before Christmas break). My 1st-grader has had a hard time focusing due to her incessant need to sing/hum/whistle/make noise, and they're both far more interested in playing with their little brother than listening to me! Can you tell this was just the post I needed today?
In the grand scheme of things, I know we're actually doing pretty well, but since we're grocery shopping tomorrow and having company for dinner tomorrow night and the house still needs some help, I'm letting it all get to me. (Just ask the girls--I threw a pen today!) Thanks, Lori, for a place to talk about it!
Jo, I can TOTALLY relate!! I feel like we take one step forward and then TWO steps back! We have had a slow start back this week after being off for two weeks for Christmas...then we were bombarded with snow and public schools were out...and in our little schoolhouse, that means WE are out too! But UGH, I shouldn't let that happen! We are behind as it is. But, like you said, in the grand scheme of things, we are still ahead in the game. Maybe. I hope. Lord have mercy, I really don't know.
I have two highschool students and two older elementary. My husband and I will be bringing home our first adopted child from China next month. She is 12 months. I am really beginning to wonder how I can offer her everything she needs and still keep up our schedule. It seems we are running around a lot for my two high school students. We outsource Chemistry, piano, ballet, etc... WE do so much driving around that I am not really enjoying homeschooling, yet the teens are learning so much and really enjoy these opportunities. I long to be home more and yet I would hate to ask the older two to sacrifice so much. Any thoughts?
Lori, just reading your response made me smile! We got snow here last night and today, and the schools are out, but my girls don't know that (a sheltered life, I know; we'll see how long I can keep that going), so we keep at it. We finally almost caught up just after dinner tonight--one chapter of Farmer Boy, and we'll be back with it. House still needs work, but it's getting there. And it didn't hurt that after I had them clear the toys out of the living room my 5-year-old came into the kitchen with her little hand on her little hip, trying to have such an indignant attitude (ruined by the dimple showing in her cheek) and informed me, "I was the one doing all the EFFORT in there, and D** didn't help A BIT!" It was all I could do not to laugh in her precious little face--especially since big sister was picking up this afternoon while little sister was messing around with her schoolwork!
Shannon, I wish I could help you, but mine are only 8, 5, and 2. I'll be checking on any advice you get to file it away for later!
Have a great weekend, everybody!
Great question, Shannon! I also have teenagers, three in fact, and a four-year old. Running the teens around was WAY stressful until my oldest finally was able to drive. That lifted a huge burden from me! But my second oldest still needs to be taken here and there when Brenden can't drive him wherever he needs to go.
My best advice is this, tell your kiddos that at least in the beginning of being home with your new daughter, you need to make some compromises. Being home a lot is really important for a newly adopted little one. But I also don't think it's fair to ask the older kids to give up a lot of what they love. Dilemma, for sure. Take advantage of car-pooling and make an effort to minimize your running around by eliminating unnecessary stops. I am amazed at how much less shopping I do now that we have a toddler...I simply don't have the energy to take her in and out of her car seat constantly. Planning is key, I suppose.
I'm not sure I offered any solid advice to you but trust me, you will figure out a way to make it work. It WILL be a challenge in the beginning so don't beat yourself up. You will be exhausted and frustrated at times but it WILL get better, I promise. :)
Does anybody out there have a good high school Spanish curriculum to recommend?
I've heard Rosetta Stone is really good, but way too pricey for this family.
January, the beginning of the year. Isn't that when you're supposed to start a new subject in school? ;)
Bahaha! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who starts things mid-year.
Before you give up on Rosetta Stone, try looking on Ebay or at the library. I got RS in English for Macy at our local library. It was a rare find but who knows...maybe your library has it too! And if they don't have RS, they most likely have other programs. Our library has online language lessons for many different languages. It's really great and it's FREE!! So I would definitely check that out before spending any money.
Hope that helps!
Joy ~ your discussion would include us too. We added two new language learners, 14 and 10. They had some schooling, but aren't up to US grade level. Of course English is at the beginning for us too. They don't actually appreciate doing the same work as their kindergarten brother! This stretch from Jan. to March is the hardest for me to stay on track. My motivation to keep going is, I want to be done in May.
Oh I so feel that my creativity has run out at times too!! Seems so hard to get into things at times and not make them boring and mundane!
What curriculum do you suggest for a 10 y.o.? He supposedly is in school, so math should be close. English is going to be the fun stuff, I will have a K student too next year, but was planning to send her to school.
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