Not sure if anyone is still following this little
blog for homeschoolers.
But we'll try to revive things around here
a bit as school is getting back into swing.
I gotta tell you
that my grand plans for getting a ton of things
done this summer fizzled.
Turns out that I work better when we're on a tight
Or so it seems.
We'll see.
I had someone suggest that we discuss the subject
*How to get started at homeschooling*
My own thoughts are:
*Keep things really simple in the beginning.
*Ask every homeschool mom you know for advice
and what curriculum they use.
*Don't get overwhelmed by ALL the choices,
start with something that's been
recommended to you and go from there.
*Don't go overboard buying things.
I could go on and on but I think that kind of sums it up.
It just takes time to figure out what
works best for your child(ren).
Any other ideas??